9 Top-Notch Bowsights

As far as accessories go, bowsights are a cash cow item for archery retailers — whether the customer is outfitting a new compound bow or upgrading old reliable.

9 Top-Notch Bowsights

Buying a new compound bow is a huge commitment in time and money, and everyone wants to get it right. That’s why the typical guy or gal puts a lot of thought and research into the purchase of this big-ticket item — with many of the top end models exceeding $1,200. Talking with bowhunting friends, visiting the neighborhood archery proshop, surfing the Internet — all go into gathering the information needed to make an educated choice. But that process needs to continue when selecting those accouterments that make a new bow the best it can be — beginning with the bowsight. Same goes when upgrading a cherished bow that’s served the archer well for a decade. 

Aside from the bow itself, the bowsight is the most expensive add-on when setting up a new rig or upgrading an old one — some costing well over $400. For retailers, this cross-sale item represents a way to increase shop revenue, while helping their archery patrons wade through the myriad options to separate the wheat from the chaff — helping them settle on the make and model that will best serve their specific needs. Point of sale is the best time to cash in on bowsight sales — to realize the full potential of a new bow transaction by convincing the customer that he or she should not leave your store without a bowsight (and other accessories) firmly attached.

Here are nine prime examples to consider when stocking your shelves with the latest and greatest bowsight models.


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